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Fig. 2 | Clinical Proteomics

Fig. 2

From: Orthogonal proteomics methods warrant the development of Duchenne muscular dystrophy biomarkers

Fig. 2

Serum concentrations of biomarker candidates in DMD patients and healthy individuals. Protein concentrations measured using PRM-MS were plotted with respect to ambulation status and age. Boxplots represent comparisons of MYL3 (A), CA3 (D), FGG (G), LDHB (J) and COL1A1 (M) concentrations in samples from 37 ambulant patients (blue), 32 non-ambulant patients (red), and 9 healthy individuals (green). Spaghetti plots represent MYL3 (B and C), CA3 (E and F), FGG (H and I), LDHB (K and L) and COL1A1 (N and O) concentration trajectories with respect to age with (C, E, H, K and N) and without (C, F, I, L and O) biomarker concentrations measured in healthy individuals. The concentrations are calculated as fmol target protein per µg of total serum proteins, and normalized against levels of non-disease related proteins to account for pipetting errors and water content variation across samples

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