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Fig. 2 | Clinical Proteomics

Fig. 2

From: Quantitative proteomic analysis of histone modifications in decitabine sensitive and resistant leukemia cell lines

Fig. 2

Differentially expressed PTMs in different groups. a 3 PTMs as signature in the TF-1 cells. H3.1K27me3 and H3.3K27me2K36me2 are only detectable in the TF-1 groups while H3.1K27me2K36me2 presents at a much lower level in MDS-L cells (0.07 vs 1.06, p < 0.01); b Induction of H3.3K36me3 and reduction of H4K8acK12acK16ac in MDS-L cells after DAC treatment; c Reduction of mono-methylation states on H3 Lys-27 and Lys-36 in the DAC-resistant TF-1 cells after drug stimulus. H3.1K27me1 is significantly lower in the resistant cells after DAC treatment (0.51 vs 1.08, p < 0.05). H3.1K36me1 and H3.1K27me1K36me1 are moderately decreased in the resistant cells after drug exposure. No significant changes found in the sensitive cells in response to the drug stimulus

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