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Table 5 SJIA patient (flare and quiescent plasma samples) characteristics—Student’s t test significant analysis (P value)

From: Urine Peptidomic and Targeted Plasma Protein Analyses in the Diagnosis and Monitoring of Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis


Student t test P value

Training SJIA F vs. Q

Bootstrapping testing SJIA F vs. Q


3.16E − 01

3.51E − 01

Age (year)

5.65E − 01

2.84E − 01

WBC (103/ul)

5.69E − 05

4.31E − 04

ESR (mm/h)

3.19E − 09

1.98E − 05

CRP (mg/dL)



PLT (103/ul)

7.44E − 04

6.87E − 05

  1. “Bootstrapping” differing from in silico bootstrapping (re-sampling) simulation, samples belonging to different visits of the same patient and even the same samples were assayed, i.e. “bootstrapped” experimentally
  2. CRP C-reactive protein, NA not enough data points for the analysis