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Archived Comments for: Blood-sampling collection prior to surgery may have a significant influence upon biomarker concentrations measured

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  1. SPREC (Standard PREanalytical Code)

    Fay Betsou, IBBL

    30 September 2015

    In this article the authors have suggested that the SPREC (Standard PREanalytical Code) be extended to include patient derived variables. The definition of the SPREC is that of “a tool to document the in vitro preanalytical details of biospecimens”. The in vivo preanalytical details are not in the scope of the SPREC. We absolutely agree with the authors on the importance of both the in vitro and the in vivo variables, however the SPREC is designed to be an easy-to-use tool for standardised documentation of the most important in vitro preanalytics.

    Competing interests

    None declared
