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Fig. 6 | Clinical Proteomics

Fig. 6

From: Development of robust targeted proteomics assays for cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers in multiple sclerosis

Fig. 6

CSF-PR score (MS vs. Non-MS) compared to fold change from PRM comparison study (RRMS vs. OND). Comparison of the score found from CSF-PR (x-axis, score/100), representing the direction of change between MS and Non-MS in the literature, and the fold change (y-axis, log2 transformed) found in our PRM study. Green dots represent peptides that were found significantly changed in the same direction in the literature and in the PRM study (passed) and red dots represent peptides that either were not significant or were significantly changed, but in opposite direction compared to the literature (failed). Protein short name and the four first amino acids in the peptide sequence is shown for all peptides failing this test

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